Concerts (MP3-files)
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-What is music?
-What is folk music?
-My folksongs
-Early Vocal Music Map
--Gregorian chant
--Central Middle Ages
--Early Renaissance
--Gregorian chant
--Early Renaissance
--High Renaissance
--The Italian Seicento (17th C)
--German Baroque Music (17th C)
--Western Europe 1650-1760
---Purcell with contemporaries
---At the court of Louis XIV
---The Concersts Spiritual
---Chamber/Keyb. Couperin-Rameau (HOASM)
---Instrumental, end of 18th C (HOASM)
---Ballet and Opera
---Concerto /C Grosso / Symphony (HOASM)
---Iberia, New Spain and America
---British Isles after 1730
---Church Music, 18th C Outside Italy
--The Italian Settecento (18th.C)
--The Works of J.S. Bach
--Georg Frederick Händel
--The German Preclassics (1700-1760)
-Sing á la Renaissance.
-Early Music Examples
-Örjans folkmusik-exempel
-Arranging & Composing
-Renaissance musical learning
-Renaissance - moving emotions
-Early Music in Swedish Libraries
Internal Information

Umeå Akademiska Kör

Early Vocal Music Map

Search for
  • Research and text by Chris Whent at HOASM (Here on a Sunday Morning - WBAI 99.5 FM New York)
  • Composer Bibliography - links to Wikipedia and HOASM
  • Discography - lists of commercial musical recordings - links to HOASM
  • Vocal PDF-files (music scores) and MIDI-files - links to CPDL (Choral Public Domain Library)
  • Vocal MP3-recordings - public MP3-files at choir home-pages (and some password-protected files, PWD)

VII. Western Europe 1650-1760

With Josquin des Prés (died 1521) and Heinrich Isaac (died 1517) the two outstanding masters of the third generation of the Netherlands School, the influence of the Netherlanders extended over the whole of Europe. The contact of their art with the music of other nations, led to a variety of characteristic national genres: the glorious development of the social art of the madrigal, chanson and lied: the climax of Catholic and the rise of Evangelical church music: the independent development of domestic music for the organ, lute, clavichord, spinet and gamba, and of instrumental ensemble music: the development of the Venetian music for several groups of choirs and instruments, with its splendid ostentation, and the Golden Age of church and secular music in England (Thomas Tallis, Orlando Gibbons, Thomas Morley, John Dowland, William Byrd and many others). The Netherlander Lassus (died 1594) in Munich and the Italian Palestrina (died 1594) in Rome were the two outstanding masters of the second half of the century, and the Royal Courts, from that of the German Emperor Maximilian I to that of Queen Elizabeth I of England, were the main centres of music making.


Vocalist reading

The art of singing (Musicae active micrologus; Ornithoparcus 1515)

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Web-composer: Göran Westling