This image is not important, but you ought to see this page with background color


Local lingoEnglish
Huvva, nog kun ja bugga
Yes sir, I can boggie
He hanna din te min
Put your hand in mine
Ja jer stockholmar
I´m not from Umeå
Hur jere annars ?
How do you do ?
Fyfan häba lugnt
I´m OK
Ja jer gammpojk
I´m a bachelor
Vill du gohurves nalta ?
Wanna have a romance ?
Int tjänns hä väl äcklit ?
Do you like it ?
Hadu na karoschaballonga ?
Do you have condoms ?
He gohurves å kryf etter bena
I really feel fine
Lungen de Beda, häba vals !
Take it easy now !
Nanting se oschlögt !
Oh gee !
Han gatt va från Grubbe
He is a bit ballony
Publisher : The Municipality/Township of Umeå
Production : Morgan & Domandra AB

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