A large Crocheted Fox Torpedo


Design Torill Kolbu: Crocheted Fox Torpedo
Hook:80500 BL   (Very informative link !)
Tag:2 sections of Lureflash twinkle DKGreenTW8 crocheted.
Tail:1 section of black fox hair and 4 strands of Lureflash twinkle DKGreen.
Butt:White ostrich herl
Body:1 section white AW1 and 1 section black AW12 Antronyarn crocheted.
Body hackle:Bunches of fox hair. From rear : 1 fluorscent yellow, 1 fluorscent green, 1-3 black.
Throat:Black body hackle from pheasant cock, tyed collar style.
Wing:Bunches of fox hair. From rear : 1 fluorscent yellow, 1 fluorscent green, 1-3 black, 1 silver fox with 4 strands of Lureflash twinkle DKGreen.
Head:Black tying thread, small

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< Lennart.Widmark@fek.umu.se >