The Great Net.Book Archive Legal Information
Registered AD&D Trademarks Unregistered AD&D Trademarks Other AD&D Trademarks Registered TSR Trademarks Unregistered TSR Trademarks Updates & Errata
Last update: 97/04/02

    Updates and Errata

    Version 1.00.01 - August 16, 1995


    Added the following trademarks:
    Apocalypse, Archmagic, Briarwood, Calandia, Catacombs, Demons, Demons II, Denizens of Diannor, Denizens of Og, Denizens of Vecheron, Denizens of Verekna, Divine Right, Invincible Overlord, MGI, Player's Option, Products of Your Imagination, Sentinels, Stoker Manor, The Haunt


    "Birthright" is now correctly identified as an unregistered trademark.
    "New Infinity" is now correctly identified as "New Infinities" in all references.
    "Lankhmar" is now in the "AD&D-related Other Trademarks" section.
    "Terror T. R. A. X." is now in the "Other Trademarks" section.
    Jeff Gentry


    Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and TSR are registered trademarks of TSR Inc. These trademarks are used here without permission. This use is not intended as a claim of ownership over the trademarks being used.


Archiver: Ezra Van Everbroeck -